About VAWS
In recognition that a Vermont based organization can offer Vermont specific trainings, discussions, and opportunities to those who work with or enjoy wetlands, the VT Association for Wetland Science (VAWS) is here to stay as a non-profit organization.
Specifically, the purpose of VAWS is:
To be a non-advocacy organization comprised of members with diverse backgrounds, interests, and viewpoints regarding wetlands science, use, and management;
To improve communications among people interested in wetlands;
To improve member and general public knowledge and understanding of wetlands;
To provide wetland-related information to members and the general public; and
To call attention to, and objectively discuss, wetland-related issues, as they relate to Vermont.
A fun 4-page Article in the Rutland Magazine of how this got started!
Minutes: Approved Board meeting minutes
2023- our first year of business completed
2024- To a new year of wetland adventure
March 29, 2024: DRAFT Annual Meeting Business Meeting Minutes to be approved by membership March 2025
Nov 4, 2024
Dec 2, 2025
Legal services to support our application for incorporation and to include the required legal language into our Bylaws was generously provided by Bridgette L. Remington, Esq. of Pratt Vreeland Kennelly Martin & White, Ltd. out of Rutland, VT at a reduced cost for services. She has also provided guidance on next steps and answers to other legal questions as this process has moved forward. Thank you Bridgette.
Letter of Incorporation from the Secretary of State ; Effective January 13, 2023
ByLaws Adopted by the Board of Directors on January 23, 2023