Current Board of Directors
Working Committees
President: Mary Beth Poli (2023)
Mary Beth Poli is a certified Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) and Regional Biologist in the Mitigation Program at Ducks Unlimited, Inc. She manages in-lieu-fee wetland and stream mitigation projects in VT and eastern NY. Previously, she worked for the US Forest Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Otter Creek Engineering doing plant, soil, and wetland science work in VT.
Vice President: Zapata Courage (2023)
Zapata is currently a Wetland Ecologist for the State of VT. She works with landowners and consultants reviewing wetland delineations and providing technical assistance. She manages permitting, regulatory, and compliance issues related to wetlands in her region. Prior to working at DEC, Zapata worked as a consultant, field biologist, and environmental outdoor educator.
Immediate past-president: Vacant
The Immediate Past President chair will be filled by the outgoing current president following the two-years in office to provide continuity, institutional knowledge, and support of the organization as leadership transitions. This position serves a two-year term.
Secretary: Aimee Rutledge (2023)
Aimee Rutledge is a PWS and Senior Environmental Technical Lead at Dubois & King, Inc. She manages environmental and water resource projects, and specializes in natural resource assessments (wetlands, waterways, wildlife habitat, RTE species, etc.) and environmental permitting and regulatory compliance throughout most of New England and New York.
Treasurer: Karina Dailey (2023)
Karina is a PWS and is currently a Restoration Ecologist at Vermont Natural Resources Council. At VNRC, she manages ecological restoration projects and is the Chair of VT Dam Removal Taskforce. Prior to working at VNRC, Karina was a wetland consultant and also worked for the US Fish & Wildlife Service.
Member-at-Large: Ben Galligan (2023)
Ben Galligan, WPIT is an Environmental Scientist at VHB. He is primarily responsible for conducting natural resource surveys including wetlands, waters, wildlife habitat and RTE species surveys working throughout VT, Northern NY, and ME. He also performs erosion control and stormwater monitoring and environmental oversight for active construction projects throughout the region.
Member-at-Large: Ryan Gumbart (2024)
Ryan Gumbart is a licensed consulting forester for Working Lands LLC and serves as the Land Use Administrator for the Towns of Weathersfield, Windsor, and Rockingham. He implements conservation planning and manages the municipal zoning and floodplain bylaws and the permitting processes. He chairs the Weathersfield Conservation Commission and co-manages his family's pasture and forest-based farm. He is interested in connecting people with the land around them and building communities that recognize their dependence on their environment and environments elsewhere.
Member-at-Large: Donovan Ward (2024)
Donovan Ward is a licensed wastewater designer and wetland consultant who operates his business, Blue Carbon Environmental, out of Waterbury. Since graduating from UVM with a degree in environmental science and geospatial technologies, Donovan, works with VT landowners, businesses, and towns to design and permit residential and commercial development. As part of these projects, Donovan works to restore and minimize impacts on VT's wetlands.
Member-at-Large: FUTURE
President and Vice President shall each serve two-year terms. The President shall then become the Immediate-Past President and the Vice-President (President-Elect) becomes the President. Other Board positions shall serve a three-year term with opportunity for consecutive terms. Open vacancies are elected by a vote of the Members at the Annual Meeting. No one person shall serve more than 12 years as an Officer on the Board, but may serve as a Director on the Board as a Member-at-Large without limit.
Working Committees
Committees are established by the Board for a one-year period, subject to annual renewal in response to a determined need.
Education Committee
Identify, develop, and organize field workshops (spring/fall)
Organize other training opportunities, such as webinars
Line up speakers and presenters
Explore and provide special topic learning opportunities
Support the Annual Meeting, including a report during the Business session
Current Education Committee Members:
Chair: Levi Keszey with April Moulaert, Bob Hyams, and Elijah Schumacher.
Newsletter Committee
Responsible for producing a semi-annual newsletter. Report on, draw attention to, share information on VAWS news, Current events, Special topics, Photos